We need som more players for tonight. Dzastina, Johan M and Jure?
And the new guys who haven't played yet: Andreas J and Martin?
Also, Jonas?
We are on with 8 players. Since we have 2 new players, a reminder to please bring a black or navy shirt, and a white shirt.
Unless you object i will bring "young" Christian again. It would be great if we could borrow 2 sticks again from someone
Can we see a few more sign-ups for tomorrow?
It looks like Montgomery Cty is not having early dismissal tomorrow, so that's good. But I saw a note about evening activities probably being cancelled. It's not below freezing until nightfall, most likely, so the snow/ sleet will not stick until then. So I think it might be like last time when we were able to play. I will check with the custodian Tuesday afternoon; it depends on whether she goes home early.
So, officially the "community use" is cancelled, so it will depend on whether the custodian is there until late and whether she lets us in. I will call her around 3 or 4 pm.
It would be helpful if "members" could indicate if they plan to play if the school is open. If you are signed up then please realize that there might be some snow on the ground after the game.
Sorry, folks. The custodians are leaving early today so the game is CANCELLED.
Hello everyone!
Are you up for adding a new player? I would like to join if possible! Do I need anything beyond the typical gear?
// Martin
You are welcome to play on a "space available" basis. The people shown in yellow are paying members who get priority. We play 4 on 4 and limit it to 12 players. This week (tomorrow) might be good. The new season starts in August and you should be able to join as a member then. The price is around $100 for the entire year.
You just need a stick and shoot left sticks are typically available to borrow.
Hi Frank, sounds good! I was thinking I could join next week, I’m unfortunately not available this week.
Do you meet up outside the facility or do you ring a door bell?
It's a school where the doors are open. If you are coming from downtown Bethesda toward River Rd. then you turn right at the top of the hill. Green doors across from the parking. Pls sign up for next week if you wish to join.
Christian, you can surely borrow a lefty stick from myself or others. How long are you visiting?
thank you. ill update you on details in person
Are we on for tonight? Only 7 players so far….
We are definitely on. Dzastina? Johan M? Jure? Rogier? Jonas?
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