We play innebandy (floorball) every Tuesday year round in Bethesda, MD. We are always looking to recruit new players. But please sign up before attending. We restrict the number of players who can play each week with priority for paying members. Do not add yourself with the visiting player function.

Please feel free to sign up at http://dcinnebandy.playerlineup.com/public_join or use the form on the right.

Keywords: Washington DC, innebandy, floorball, salibandy, Unihockey

Sport Innebandy, floorball, unihockey, and salibandy
Home city Bethesda, Maryland
Team members 88 (Player list)

We need som more players for tonight. Dzastina, Johan M and Jure?

And the new guys who haven't played yet: Andreas J and Martin?


We are on with 8 players. Since we have 2 new players, a reminder to please bring a black or navy shirt, and a white shirt.


Unless you object i will bring "young" Christian again. It would be great if we could borrow 2 sticks again from someone


Can we see a few more sign-ups for tomorrow?

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