
I don´t see any more events in the calendar than the one tomorrow March 26. Is it only me?


Let's try to get 9-10 players this week. Jure? Henrik? Pasi?

Anyone else? We haven't seen Andreas and Gustav for ages.


We have 7 players so far. Several players, e.g. Tero, Pasi, Jure, and more have not responded? It would be great if we could get 8-10 players.

p.s. Some of you might be interested to know that Lidl recently started selling Made in Sweden knäckebröd in the large wheel format for $7.


Ive been waiting my whole life for a wheel of knäckebröd....its also quite huge in Iran


No to game and no to knäckebröd. Finn Crisp, on the other hand, is delicious! See you all next week


We have 8 players for tonight. It would be nice to have 10. Sam, Pasi, Zdenek or anyone else?


Hi Frank, I injured my ankle in fall and then again after the Christmas break. I am recovering slowly. Hopefully, I can return soon. Have a great game, guys.


We are on tonight. Can Pasi, Johan v H, and Jure please indicate if they are playing.


Ill assume going forward if there is less than 12 people, I can show up


Sorry for the late cancel, I have a sick dog